How to sew Scrunchies


  • Fabric - approx. 50cm x 11cm

  • Elastic – 25cm long

  • Safety Pins - x 2

  • Sewing equipment

 1.       Cut fabric and elastic.

2.       Fold fabric right sides together lengthways and iron.

3.       Measure in 7cm from each end and mark.

4.       Pin the raw edges together then sew from one mark to other using 1cm (10mm) seam allowance, don’t forget to reverse at each end.

5.       Turn the fabric right side out.

6.       Using a safety pin to thread the elastic through the tube. You can use the second safety pin to hold the elastic at one end while you are doing this.

7.       Tie the elastic ends together in a balloon knot. Try and keep the knot right at the end.

8.       With right sides together - Pin then sew (1cm seam allowance) the ends of the scrunchie together.

9.       Last step is sewing up the gap, fold in the 1cm seam allowance and pin. Pin stitch close to the edge, reversing at each end.

PLEASE NOTE: I have sewn the scrunchie below in black thread so it would be easier to see. Best to use matching thread